So, Im using this time to catch up a bit on the blog. I've been kind of ambivalent about the whole blogging thing in general, but I've gotten comments from a few people on the lack of updates, and by the looks of the counter at the bottom of the page, at least a few people have been checking it out (or accidentally clicking on it, which I guess is entirely possible), so I guess I'll keep at it for a while. I'm planning to put a few postings up here pretty quickly, if not tonight then tomorrow. There's lots to blog about, here's a glimps of what's to come...
- there's the trip to Mallorca, Spain a few weeks ago
- the pictures from the 3 London trips I've taken so far
- the dinner party video that I took to try and capture some of the different accents
- the story about the Londoner and the African that we went clubbing with in Picadilly Circus
- and the picture of my flat mates that I've been meaning to throw up on here, so you can see who I'm living with - actually why don't I just throw that up now...
Here's me with Ben and Stacey (aka my little welsh sister) on the first night we all moved in back in September...

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