Friday, October 31, 2008

all jacked up on flu meds

im still feeling sick today, can't sleep, and im all jacked up on some weird british version of theraflu. One decent thing has come out of this tho - i just watched a really good movie. It kind of reminds me of the movie Wonderboys with michael douglas. speaking of michael douglas, I met some older ladies the other night when i was having curry with some friends who said that they were just at his and catherine zeta jones's house earlier in the week for their nine year old daughters birthday - small world. catherine zeta jones is from wales in case you didn't know, and they apparently have a big house up on the hill in Mumbles - (where i go windsurfing every week.)

Anyway. the movies called Smart Peopleand it's got that girl from juno in it and dennis quaid. and i kind of pirated it off the internet and feel kinda bad about it -so somebody buy it please! so then i won't feel so bad. it also reminds me of the book by richard ford called The Sportswriter,which i highly recommend because its probably one of the best contemporary fiction books ive ever read.

alright, i think the beds calling me again, so im gonna go, but see the movie -its good stuff.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

freshers flu. haiku.

I'm sick again - and by 'sick' i mean 'ill' because i've been corrected here for saying so. This must be the fourth time i've gotten the freshers flu in the last two months. I swear i've been taking my vitamins ma! So now I'm in bed, trying to sleep, but sleep won't come. I wrote a few haiku's about it...

bring on the pillows
hot - cold and all over yuck
chicken soup my soul

maybe just lay here
fuss with covers, sweat, and snot
write-off the new day

sleep won't come tonight
tissues cover bed and floor
good gobbiddie goo

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

beach / gower

I sleep with my blinds open at night in the hopes that the sun will come out in the morning and wake me with a wave of light. As you can imagine, it doesn't happen too often here, but it did this morning, and since the sun is out, im heading to the beach. So here's some recent beach pics of the bay here in swansea and some of the gower that i took when Tim came out and visited this last week, so you can appreciate what ill be appreciating here in a bit...

Saturday, October 25, 2008

swansea - city center - pics

in case you might be wondering what swansea looks like, i took a few random pics when i was downtown yesterday...

sunday = news/politics day

tomorrow (sunday) is looking like a pretty busy day... im doing an interview on overseas voting with a girl from ohio who appearently does reporting for fox news, so that should be interesting. Then im gonna be sitting in with the news radio show to talk about american politics, and maybe comment on what little i know about british news and such - you can listen in online if you wanna - its from 1 to 3pm...

side note: i filled out my absentee ballot, but haven't sent it off yet becuase it needs to be notorized and appearently they don't have notories over here because when i asked at the bank, and at the post office they didn't know what the heck i was talking about! If anyone has a clue about what i can do about this let me know. Otherwise i think im going to have to just call the county clerk in albuquerque on monday.


Thursday, October 23, 2008

radio show

i stumbled into the studio on campus today for my first official radio show! i've teamed up with an english girl who did an exchange at UNM last year and we're doing a show from 3 -5 on thursdays. we play music on the show, throw out random trivia, and even have a guinness challenge where run down and slam a pint at the pub below the studio -gotta love the whole european pub on campus thing! So, if you want to check it out you can listen live online if you like during that time, or you can even listen to past shows via the website... - (just so you know, in order to get it to stream on your computer you're probably going to have to click on the "how to listen" tab, and scrole down and click on the mp3 streaming link on the bottom of the page)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

absentee ballot

alright, got my ballot in today! they sent it to me via email and im meant to print it out, sign it, scan it, and send it back. gotta love that. it's giving me time to research who im going to vote for in the local elections. Thea sent me the link to the alibi's voter guide so that should help. thanks sis. im a bit impressed by how simple the whole process is - almost as impressed as i am by this...
... gotta love good ol lazy americans.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

a good day

today has been one of those good days that i imagined that i would have when i was back in albuquerque and thinking about what life would be like when i got to here, and hoping that i would strike some kind of balance between all the things i was hoping to accomplish when i got here in terms of being engaged and submersing myself in the lifestyle comes with being in uni and particularly uni in europe. a day that involved sleeping to a good hour, heading to the beach between lectures, playing basketball and going for a good run, and having dinner and watching a movie with friends. not bad.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

colin powell is all about obama

Im still waiting on my absentee ballot to come in - and Im sure a lot of people in my family are hoping that it doesn't because they know I'm going to cancel out at least one of their votes! I've already commented in early posts about the fact that just about everyone I've met here is for Obama, even my american politics professor is unabashedly is all about him, and now it looks like Colin Powell is all about him. He just came out on Meet the Press today in support of Obama - he also had a lot of criticism for the republican party. Check it out...

palin's SNL rap

check out amy poehler's palin rap from last night, it's the funniest shiznit ive seen in a while...

almost as good as the oh so classic natalie portman rap...

barefoot running

There's something about barefoot running that really appeals to me. It's the simplicity of the whole thing. I've always enjoyed running in general, over biking and what not, for that reason, and getting out there with (literally) nothing but a pair of shorts on adds more of a kind of primitive and connected element to what you're doing.

I've been working in barefoot runs for a few months now mostly on trails, and on the beach out her in swansea, and I'm convinced that it's been helping my running + it just kind of feels good to do, I worked in 5 barefoot miles of the 16 I ran today along the beach and it felt great! I've been, or I should should say "had" been, keeping up with Tony Krupicka's blog (an avid 180mi a week or so runner and ultramarathon winner who's a big proponent of barefoot running) until he stopped running back in June, and subsequently stopped blogging for the most part, due to having a couple of neuroma's in one of his feet.

With that said, I still think that running barefoot can be good for you if it's done in moderation. If you've never run barefoot before I suggest you give it a shot, just the act of doing it will force you to run in a different way that you might be used to. You end up running mainly on the balls of your feet because, for lack of a better explanation, it just hurts to much to do the standard "land on the heel and roll with it" kind of approach - it's way too jaring on the body to do it that way, so instead you end up treading with quick and light steps which creates less impact on the body and increases leg turnover. Here's a good article on it if you're interested in more about it...

Saturday, October 4, 2008

stonehenge? - never heard of it.

So one of the most interesting things about my trip, or rather leading up to my trip, is that about half of the english and welsh students that I told I was going, said that they have never heard of it. wtf! - how could people have never heard of stonehenge? I haven't really been able to figure out why. Maybe its because they have so many old buildings and ruins around here that it's hard to keep up with them all? or maybe they just haven't seen "n.l. european vacation"?

I went on the tour through the american studies exchange department at the uni. Our first stop was in avebury which ended up being a little more impressive than stonehenge, both in size and the fact that you can actually get up and close and touch the stones unlike at stonehenge.

Here's a list of similarities:

. both were built in the neolithic period around 3000bce (or of you're sara palin - right about the time that dinosaurs and humans were living together, shortly after god created the earth) .

. both are in the shape of a circle .

. both have stones that are 15ft or so high, and weigh around 40tons - or about 6 yellow school buses .

. both are not far from each other in southern england .

Here's a list of dissimilarities:

. stonehenge is about the moon and the sun / avebury is about fertility and magnetism .

. avebury is around a quarter mile in diameter / stonehenge is around 110ft in diameter .